Hey, my name is maty and I am one of the founding members of Nouncil. I have been active in NounsDAO since late 2021 and since then Nouns have pretty much taken over my life.
I do a whole bunch of stuff around Nouns: ◨ I made Instagram filters, Nounish posters, Discord stickers and server banner, logo for FOMO nouns. ◨ One of the winners of pilot Prop House round and created a deck of nounish poker cards. ◨ Founding member of Nouncil - I created the toga asset and Twitter banner. ◨ I write a weekly Nounsletter that sums up whatever happened in the Nouniverse (basically a weekly TLDR of Nouns). ◨ Nounditor - I am working on a proposal dashboard that features all proposals funded by NounDAO. ◨ Nouns eSports - designer, multisig signer, core decision maker. ◨ SharkDAO - comms team, I am the artist behind SharkDAO comic. ◨ NounsDAO Discord moderator.
Art, community, ETH.
I am a medical doctor.
Im almost always in Discord!